The five reasons why you should buy a custom domain |
A custom domain is a unique name that you purchase for your website. It gives you the ability to put your brand and business in front of more people than ever before because it's easier for people to find, looks nicer, and helps with customer trust.
It is easier to remember.
If you’re a small business, it might seem like a lot of effort to create and maintain a custom domain. But when you think about it, that’s not really true. A custom domain is easier than its generic counterpart because:
- People can remember your name (like Google or Facebook)
- It makes sharing easier - e.g., if someone shared your website on Twitter, they won't have to copy/paste the URL into their browser window instead of typing it out themselves
- Your brand becomes more distinct from other sites that use the same URL as yours
Your emails will look more professional.
When you buy a custom domain, you’re able to get the following:
- A professional email address. The first thing people will notice about your website is its URL (web address), which is what they see when they visit your website or click on it in their browser. If there are any issues with this URL, people will likely be less likely to come back and visit again—and if they do return later, it can be hard for them to remember where they were before. A custom domain gives you an opportunity to choose one that will help set your business apart from others in similar industries or niches of interest. It also allows potential customers who find themselves browsing through social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter without knowing exactly what type of business or organization owns that particular site/brand name/logo etcetera...
It helps support customer trust.
When you buy a custom domain, you're showing your customers that you care about them. They will feel more confident in making purchases from you because they know that their data is safe and secure on your website. Your customers are also more likely to buy from you if they trust the brand—they'll feel like it's worth spending their money with someone who takes security seriously by using an official-looking domain name instead of something generic like "website."
If you're an eCommerce business, you should definitely buy a custom domain. Customers are more likely to trust your site when it has a .com suffix and not something like "" You'll also be able to get better SEO rankings because search engines treat domains differently from generic subdomains.
It makes your brand more unique and trends help you rank in Google searches.
When you buy a custom domain, it makes your brand more unique and helps you rank in Google searches.
It’s easier to remember a domain than a long URL. For example, if someone says “Can I get some bread?” and they are talking about their favorite bakery, they could say that they want “Beetlebreath Bakery” or something similar (like Beetllebreath). A lot of people don't know how to spell these kinds of words either! So when someone asks for bread at your website or restaurant's page on Facebook, it's much easier for them just type in "Beetlebreath" than having them type out the whole address from scratch like this: http://www .beetlebrea t .com/home/. This is why custom domains are so important; because when someone types in one specific thing into their browser window instead of having all these weird links between pages everywhere (which could cause errors), it saves time & money by making things simpler.*
You are able to have an individualized website instead of a long URL from a web service.
With a custom domain, you are able to have an individualized website instead of a long URL from a web service.
The first reason why you should buy a custom domain is that it's easier to remember than other types of URLs. For example, if your company's name is "Doggyle" and its website address is "", then typing in www . doggyle . com or just clicking on the link will take you directly there without any confusion about where they're located or how they look like when clicked on by visitors who are looking for them online (i . e., Google).
Another benefit of using custom domains instead of generic ones like ".com" or ".org" is because they usually match your brand identity better than generic names do--especially if yours has been around for more than 10 years! This makes sense because people tend towards consistency when choosing names; therefore having one already established brand identity helps promote brand recognition among potential customers worldwide--even though most likely only few people will know what those words mean at first glance."
You should buy a custom domain because it is easier for people to find, looks nicer, and helps with customer trust.
- You should buy a custom domain because it is easier for people to find, looks nicer, and helps with customer trust.
- A custom domain is like an email address that has your name attached to it. It’s easier for people to remember and recognize than something like gmail or yahoo mail because they already know what the company does. And if you use your business name as your website URL (which most people do), then people will be able to find it without having any trouble at all!
- A good looking website will make customers feel good about buying from you—and this feeling of trust can lead them back into the store again later on down the line when they need something else from us!
The best way to get a custom domain is by registering it through a website called Namecheap. They are an affordable and reliable website where you can easily buy a new domain and purchase hosting for your website too! You can also use this site to transfer over an existing domain if you already have one, and they even have mobile apps for both Android and iOS devices so that you can manage everything from your phone.
If you have the budget, then definitely go for a custom domain. It is much easier to remember, looks nicer and helps with customer trust.